togetherness & organic modeling clay


There are things that I love doing with my daughters ( like going on a picnic on a beautiful fall day), things that I’ll do, because I know it makes them happy ( like going to the cinema to see Smurfs or My Little Pony) and things that I really hate and would do almost anything to get out of ( Like playing with Barbie).

And then there are the little things, that we all enjoy doing together. Those activities that give us a calm and quiet hour together and bring us all a little closer. We make art, draw, paint, built sculptures out of objects that we keep in a cupboard and I buy crafting materials like cardboard, stickers and goggly eyes and let them glue it all together.

Or we play with modeling clay. All of us, around our dining table, even the baby likes to participate in this game. For a while we made our own to avoid all the bad stuff they put in the big commercial brands. But having to buy the ingredients, mix and cook, clean up a kitchen and wait for the dough to cool down just didn’t go well with two kids and a baby.

Turns out, a mother in Denmark (same tiny country as where I’m from) felt exactly the same way. And so she started Ailefo. An organic modeling clay brand where everything is made from food-graded ingredients, made soft with organic plant oils and colored with natural dyes. The scent might be a bit more subtle than what you’re used to from the bigger brands, the colors a bit more muted and so much more beautiful and best of all, nothing happens if any of my daughters decide to taste the organic modeling clay. My baby already did, and all she did was spit it out again, apparently it tastes really bad. We make pretend cookies, little animals, hand prints and a big mess, and it doesn’t even matter that my daughters run off and leave the tidying to me, because we made the mess together and we all enjoyed every second of it.

You can buy it right here, and I recommend the subscription package and the tiny little clay cutters (that we’re planning on using for cookies as well.)