The little white lies I tell my children

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I would love to be able to say that I’m the type of mother who always tells my daughters the truth, but that would be a lie. Like so many other mothers that I know, I sometimes end up using a little white lie to avoid long and logical explanations that my child won’t be able to understand.

In case you need some inspiration for your next white lie, or you simply want to shake your head while dwelling in my bad parenting, here’s a small list of the little white lies I tell my children.

– I can’t lay in your bed until you sleep tonight, because I have to go vacuum the whole apartment, but as soon as you’re asleep I’ll come in and lay next to you.

– If you pick up the pigeons feather from the ground, the pigeon will come after you, and try and hit you with a bird poop.

– When you’re asleep, the only thing mums and dads ever do, is to clean  up and fold clothes.

– All the hot pink clothes are sold out in your size, and so are the blinking shoes.

– The toilet monster is really thirsty and hungry. Hurry out and feed him.

– The iPad has run out of battery and the charger won’t work until after dinner.

– The tooth fairy ran out of coins and instead she transferred the money to your bank account.

– If you don’t brush your teeth, they’ll fall out and you’ll have to live from boring things like soup and water the rest of you life.

– I never lie to you, so you would never lie to me, right?