How becoming a mother has changed me – part II

• A little list of how becoming a mother has changed me •
A lot of noteworthy days have passed by while I’ve been absent here on the blog. My eldest turned seven, my youngest got accepted to pre-school and motherhood was celebrated on Mother’s Day.
It seems as if motherhood has the ability to constantly turn my life upside down. Just as I feel like something is working, routines are found and our everyday life is on a roll, a new thing, a change in personality, a wobbly tooth or a sick child can make it all change once again. A year ago, when I just started doing this blog, I wrote a list on how becoming a mother has changed me (you can read it right here), and during the last few months, I have been collecting a few more things that I wanted to add to the list. So here you go, a second part to my list on how becoming a mother has changed me.

 – I’m starting to enjoy doing housework. Who would have thought? Anyone who knew me 10 years ago would probably think I’m making this up, but I’m not.
 – I no longer go dancing until late at night and I sometimes miss it, but I do on occasion enjoy well made cocktail or two at our local bar, and that can make up for a lot.
– I’m no longer as shy as I used to be. I used to hate talking to strangers and even talking to people I only knew on a  superficial level would scare me. I even tried seeing a psychologist who supposedly could help me win over this fear. She should have told to become a mother and move to a new country. After becoming a mother I have made more new friends than I ever did in the 31 years I wasn’t one. But my best friend of them all is still someone I met when I was 13-years-old.
– My hair has gotten a bit more grey every time I look in the mirror and I know longer worry about the wrinkles on my face. They’re all a sign of the life I’ve lived and for that I like them.
– I have learned to be patient. Before I could probably get on the top 10 list of the most impatient people on earth, and having to deal with someone that is really slow at putting on their shoes would annoy me. Now I love taking things slow more than anything.
– I’m no longer the most important person in my life, (though me and my happiness is still really important to me).
– My feet have gone up a size!
– I now have someone I can truly say that I would die for. Literally. Pre motherhood I used to think it was one of the most ridiculous sayings, because honestly who would actually give up their life to let someone else keep theirs? I now know that the answer is parents. Sadly I have known and seen way too many parents who have outlived their own child and it is without a doubt the most horrible thing that can happen to you.
– I have rediscovered my old love for creating, and i’m no longer afraid of being looked upon as a nerd who is doing something uncool. At least I’m doing something, and as long as it makes me happy it should be okay, right?
– I can keep a green plant alive. Not to brag, but I made a tiny, half dead plantlet that had been chewed up by a dog and then brought home in bag from Los Angeles to New York grow into a beautiful, healthy succulent.


  1. Iren

    Thank you for sharing. Interesting and a little touching ? Motherhood changed me too in some of the same ways… ?


      Thank you so much for your nice comment Irene it really is amazing with such a little person can do to you and your life, right?

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